Feb 10, 2015

Call to Action: Plan an #InstallFreeBSD Event


This is a call for individuals to organize #installFreeBSD events in their locales. The purpose of these events is to increase awareness of our favorite operating system because it's worth knowing about and using the best damn operating system in the world.

The events should be planned ahead of time and open to the public to maximize the impact of sharing FreeBSD with the wider world. It would be great to use a shared agenda that will allow each event to engage its participants in an intentional but leave room for flexibility.

These events should take place the week of Monday, March 30. It's several weeks away, which allows plenty of time to collaborate on putting these together.

Feb 3, 2015

Game Review: Voltron: Defender of the Universe (1985)

After searching for years, I finally found a downloadable copy of Voltron: Defender of the Universe for Commodore 64. It's not the most entertaining or most polished but, for a child of the Eighties and a retro-gamer, this poorly-marketed game was quite a find.

Jan 19, 2014

Jan 5, 2014

Propose for LINUX kernel and PERL

To Dear PERL and LINUX kernel development community:

My propose to you at your list: is possible to write operate system in PERL? I am student in university, looked for interest project to conclude my study on LINUX kernel.

This semester, I take beginner PERL course and learn power of procedural language. I automate many daily task with use of it. Very impressive ability to make many thing work, interpret or can compile also.

Also about LINUX, I talk to much fellow students and professors, and take a operate system course use FreeBSD and LINUX. FreeBSD okay, but they say LINUX kernel is too big and bloat, run poor with too many developer. And too much quick decision from leader with ego is too big and bloat too, kekeke.

LINUX kernel can perform more good if written in not C and C++ but Perl? Just certain portion of LINUX kernel to rewrite? For instant, schedule or support of multithread? If so, should use Perl5 or Perl6, focus to x86 or x86-64? Can you want to join me this my project? But to hear your expertise.

Am excited to learn and begin study project. Can you want to join this my project? Please direct reply of email to myself.

Much thank to you,

Dec 23, 2013

Richard M. Stallman: Why We Should “Say LiGNUx”

Dear fellow Linux kernel hackers:

It has come to my attention that Richard M. Stallman, founder of the Free Software Foundation and creator of the GNU project, has once again set out to fragment our grassroots community.